Who is Jesus? 

Jesus is the living Son of God who came to reveal God in fullness to us. He is perfectly sinless, full of love, grace, and truth. He conquered sin, death, and the devil through his own death and resurrection. Now he reigns as the King over his spiritual kingdom that exists in the hearts of those of us who follow him. He is returning one day to bring about the final restoration of all things and to judge all people. 


What is the gospel? 

Jesus accomplished for you that which you could never do for yourself. 

Our sin has separated us from our holy Father in heaven. As such we rightfully deserve death and hell—life both now and in eternity separate from God’s goodness and love. No amount of good deeds could ever fix us or our problem. But because God loves us, Jesus Christ came to bear the weight of all our sin and punishment on a cross so that we wouldn’t have to experience that, but could instead be recipients of God’s goodness, grace, and love. When he resurrected from the dead, it proved that God accepted his sacrifice once and for all. 

So what do we do in response? Receive it. 

Admit – Admit you’re a sinner and in need of Jesus’ work on your behalf.

Believe – Believe that Jesus’ death and resurrection paid the price for your sin and grants you forgiveness and perfection in God’s eyes. 

Confess – Follow Jesus as the new Lord/King over your life.


What does it mean to follow Jesus? 

Following Jesus is the journey and the call of every Christian, whereby we live by faith in his work in the gospel, joyfully observe his teachings, and increasingly become like him as the Spirit of God empowers us.